Welcome to Littleminds

Learning Centre

A Quality Assured Independent

Learning Centre

Inspiring Children

from 6 months to 4 years

There is nothing harder for a parents than that first 'drop-off' day, at the nursery.

Littleminds understands and empathises with the needs of the child and their uniqueness. A clear emphasis on their wellbeing runs through Littleminds, hence that’s why we spend many weeks as needed working on the prime area of feeling secure and move on only once the child is ready.

How to apply for your child's place


Happy parents…

" Thank you – We love Littleminds! So glad with her progress and most of all knowing that she is happy! Thank you for all your patience!"

thumb_01_90_90  Rebecca, Mother



" I love the fact that everyone seems naturally in a good mood. Some days I wish I could stay there to dance and sing along!"

thumb_01_90_90 Samantha, Parent


"The experience so far has been very positive. You really have managed to create an excellent learning environment. I am sure my daughter will reap the benefits of your work."

thumb_01_90_90 Claire, Parent


" From the activities I see on the blog my child seems happy with what she is doing. I like the fact that you take the children out on walks as this is a chance to discover different things!"

thumb_01_90_90 Marie, Parent


Littleminds learning centre recognises the importance of a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits. Healthy eating is an integral part of promoting a healthy lifestyle, the foundation for the future.

Promoting Healthy Eating

The nursery operates a key person approach in order to offer the best possible working relationship for each child and their family and to ensure that individual needs are recognised and supported.

Working in Partnership with Parents

Littleminds will endeavour to create an atmosphere that encourages good and positive
behaviour. We believe that children flourish best when they understand what behaviour is accepted socially.

Behaviour Management

Littleminds believes that the health and safety of children is of paramount importance. We make our setting a safe and healthy place for children, parent/guardians, staff and volunteers by assessing and minimising the hazards and risks.

Health & Safety

Would you like more info?

You can read more about Littleminds Learning Centre here...

Littleminds Learning Centre introducing learning as an exciting and playful adventure.